
Monday - Friday: 

8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.


9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Sunday: Closed

Please be aware these hours may vary with holidays.

Baldwin & Crosstown Animal Clinic is a small animal veterinary practice. We practice medicine with compassion and common sense.

Some Common Questions

How do I get seen at your clinic?

We are a walk-in only clinic. Please sign in at the front desk. You do not need to wait on the property - relax and use your time as you wish.

We will call you when it's your turn. We will not skip you. If you are not on the property when we call, please return. When you arrive, come into the lobby (without your pet) to let us know you are back. You will be marked as "here," and we will call you inside when a room is available.

How long will it take?

When you sign in, you will be given an estimated wait time. This is just an estimate! Sometimes we have emergencies that need to be seen sooner or sick patients that take more time to treat.

Vaccination visits are in a different line, and the wait is usually shorter.

Do you really close at 1:00 p.m.?

We accept doctor visits until we reach capacity. We accept medication refills and vaccination visits until 1:00. Though it says we close at 1:00, we will often be at the clinic later, because we work until we see everyone who signed in before 1:00. We will not sign in anyone after 1:00 p.m.

Contact Information

1920 Baldwin Blvd

Corpus Christi, TX 78404

(361) 882-1534

Thank you! We love our clients and their pets. Without you, we couldn't do what we love.